Tech Bacon

“Do good work and share it with people.” - Austin Kleon

Position & Skills

  • Entrepreneur
  • UX Design
  • Teaching
  • Accessibility Advocate
Side projects have always been a way for me to express my creativity and learn new things. In an effort to share what I've learned, I created a YouTube channel: Tech Bacon that explores new technology, apps, UX design best practices, accessibility, design systems, and a wide variety of topics.

Recent Videos

Switching to Figma from Sketch

In this video, we'll review:

  • auto-layout
  • frames
  • components

We'll explore Figma best practices and then compare them to their counterparts in Sketch.

Workflowy as a Second Brain

We learn how to organize all that information that floats in your brain to remember later. Plain text based and flexible, Workflowy is a great way to keep your notes, todos, and scraps of information.

Accessible Tooltips

Your tooltips might not show up in screen readers or other accessibility software.

We will cover how to design them properly. And for front-end developers, we'll learn what is needed to make tooltips accessible.

Figma Design System for GovTech

Learn how to use the United States Web Design System ( USWDS ) in Figma.

We'll cover what the design system is for, where to find it, how to add it to Figma, and how to use it in a project.

Design Systems for GovTech

We'll look into the benefits of using a design system for this video.

What design systems do the United States and UK use in GovTech? Then we'll cover how patterns can lead to better web or application design overall.

Why UX Designers Can't Ignore Hierarchy in Design for Accessibility

Learn how the hierarchy of a design and flow affects both the usability and accessibility of a website. We'll look at the reason why a website might not properly be read by a screen reader and what to do about it.